
Uk baby Health

Your baby's check-ups after they are born

After your baby is born, it's important to schedule regular check-ups with a pediatrician to ensure they are growing and developing properly. These check-ups typically start within the first week after birth and continue at regular intervals throughout infancy and childhood. Here's what you can expect during these check-ups:

First-Week Check-Up: This usually occurs within the first few days after birth. The pediatrician will assess your baby's overall health, weight, feeding, and any concerns you may have.
Two Weeks: Another check-up is often scheduled around two weeks of age. The doctor will continue to monitor your baby's weight gain, feeding patterns, and overall development.
One Month: At around one-month-old, your baby will have another check-up. The pediatrician will track growth, and development milestones, and address any concerns you may have about feeding, sleeping, or behavior.
Two Months: This check-up typically includes vaccinations, so it's important to discuss the immunization schedule with your pediatrician. The doctor will also assess your baby's growth and development.

Four Months: Similar to the two-month check-up, this visit will focus on growth, development, and vaccinations.
Six Months: By six months, your baby may start eating solid foods. The pediatrician will discuss feeding milestones and any concerns you may have. Developmental milestones will also be assessed.
Nine Months: At this check-up, your pediatrician will continue to monitor growth, development, and milestones. They may also discuss babyproofing your home as your baby becomes more mobile.
One Year: The one-year check-up is a significant milestone. The doctor will assess your baby's growth, and development, and may perform developmental screenings. They will also discuss transitioning to cow's milk, if appropriate, and any other concerns you may have.
Regular Check-Ups: After the first year, your baby should continue to have regular check-ups according to the schedule recommended by your pediatrician. These visits will focus on monitoring growth, and development, and addressing any concerns that arise.
It's important to attend all scheduled check-ups and to communicate any concerns you have with your pediatrician. These visits are an opportunity to track your baby's health and development and to address any issues early on.